Optical Microscopy
The institute provides various possibilities to perform optical light microscopy analyses on polished samples. These methods include:
- Polarisation microscopes for transmitted light (diascopic, thin sections of rocks) Objectives: 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100x. Use of universal stage and pointcounter
- Polarisation microscopes for reflected light (episcopic, opaque minerals)
- Microscope for fluid inclusion microanalysis
- Nomarski-DIC, differential interference contrast method (epi- and diascopic)
- Stereomicroscopes (“binoculars”) 5-100x, inclined and transmitted light, dark field
- Photomicrography is possible with all types of microscopes at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology
- Macro-photography including easy-to-do photos of a whole thin section or grain mount; with transmitted and incident light (Aristophot stand)